Monday, October 3, 2011

How it is

When people are searching my name on the Internet, I am one step below Michael Savage of San Francisco, California. Mr. Savage and I have something in common.


Michael Savage, with the Savage Nation radio program banned from the United Kingdom (England); and my own unlawful ban from the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton Montanistan.
[that's Montana without rights]

How it is in the United States: the truth does not matter. Corruption has taken over folks. When you ask a newspaper chain not to defame you, sit in a crowded waiting area and compose a professional written request....there are Federal Judges, Police Chiefs, and Corporate Lawyers who are more than willing to say you did something that you did not.

When you catch Lee Enterprises [available at ] writing 33 articles about you within 36 months, and publish that you were convicted of something you weren't even charged with, let me ask you what is wrong with Print Media in America? More than 50% of Americans don't trust print media, so why do we listen to Corporate News, Corporate Print Media, and Now Corporate Yahoo! News who just merged with ABC News?

We have a Truman show of our own in Montana; he happens to be running the show for our US President who might not even be an American citizen. Read about the Jim Messina Political Show at:

The Jim Messina Political Show: how We the (ordinary) People of Montana sought civil rights.

I am now on house arrest for requesting a letter to President Obama from 2009 be entered into a public library. It has gotten millions of hits, it has been sent by email hackers to millions more. It asked the first African American president for Civil Rights, and was stolen by Jim Messina, his campaign manager, and former Deputy Chief of Staff in the White House (Jim Messina is "from" Montana).

The 2009 Montana Letter to President Obama, banned from the Bitterroot Public Library:
[Note this is a 10 pg. letter describing law enforcement problems, corruption in Montana]

There are demonstrations going on throughout the United States as you read this. That is how it is. Politics, banks, attorneys are owned by the same corporate forces that steal livelihoods, property, and get away with perjury because they are in the elitist club that American Justice has become.

Law Enforcement have no bounds for many reasons. One is obvious. They had esteem problems in High School, now they can own anyone due to unchecked power. They know no bounds due to prosecutors having too much ego, and having law enforcements back. Judges make sure the badge wins. If Troy Davis was accused of killing anyone other than a cop, he might have been spared.
This is "how it is".

If you even think of upholding the law against the American Justice system, even if there is case precedent that supports you, "forgetta bout it". That is how it is.

So I hate to break it to you....the protesters throughout America who are occupying, on public property need your support, your understanding, and realization that a political solution probably is not feasible. Peaceful means can change problems, by no means am I advocating anything else.

On Wednesday October 5th is a VIRTUAL support for #Occupy America. Get on Facebook and find Occupy Phoenix, LA, Boston, and Wall St. This movement must gain in size, this movement does not need to be centered in one place. This movement must end the political dance we have seen by people like Karl Rove and Jim Messina--ordinary men elevated to extreme power positions who have power over too much corporate control. Humans on this planet need not suffer due to corporate greed.

In my political past, I acted as chairman of the Reform Party in Montana. I have personally helped Ralph Nader, met with and discussed the future with Ralph Nader in 2004. His presidential campaigns since 1996 were to get this very message out: corporations that he fought "Unsafe at Any Speed" are controlling the world. The independents that outnumber the "republicans" and "democrats" in voter power need to stop voting for corporate parties, period.

The United States and world are now unsafe for any free human, due to corporate greed, welfare, profiteering off war contracts, and much more. American soldiers should not die for corporate interests or limited global resources. They are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq for corporations, including the biggest one of them all: The United States.

I have requested a return of Constitutional rights from the President via the author of the Montana President letter (circa 2009) and the FBI director via 18 USCA s. 242 (conspiracy to deprive rights) in 2011. I have filed the largest 42 USCA s. 1983 (conspiracy to deprive civil rights) that Montana has ever seen, only to find biased judges, corrupt corporate lawyers who abused me physically and mentally in the Montana and US Courts.

Public Fraud (#4 FBI priority) ignored at the Bitterroot Public Library:

I have challenged the National Institutes of Health at the Rocky Mountain Labs in Hamilton, MT for endangering federal employees, Americans who reside near their facility:

NIH scientific fraud, endangerment of Americans:

We were warned about the military industrial complex. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a government lab. They are government scientists. They think they are unstoppable, especially one of the directors, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci in charge of NIAID (infectious diseases) and hob-nobbing with the last 4 US Presidents. With patents on AIDS treatments, this director is cashing in.

NIH looks at infectious agents without a cure, yet does not provide ANY safety structure on the RML campus in Hamilton, Montana. Only 40,000 Americans would die if Ebola, Flesh Eating Bacteria get loose. That is the corporate, and military industrial complex: profits matter, humans don't. Greed is a very easy payoff to most humans, especially Americans. Corporate greed means you can own that BIGGER house, or that imported sports sedan you always wanted. You will just have to protect the corporate line. This means lie, steal, oppress, take, and protect corporate America.

Thats how it is.

Mr. Lee Camp tells it how it is
Occupy America

(L for graphic Language warning)

the voice of Generation X
So will you suffer for standing up to the corporate machine? Absolutely. That is what makes most people not try. When your career is taken, your reputation is taken, and your ability to work is taken, and you have been unlawfully put in jail (more than once in a cruel fashion) not much can stop you. That is how it is.

So why are so many people googling Michael Spreadbury from Montana? Because I say it how it is. I have tried for a political solution, I have tried upholding my rights. I am now saying we must peacefully assemble IN MASS in the United States until our rights, our dignity is upheld. The monied system in Washington DC and politics is a dead end street for WE the People.

Support the protesters in any and every city in the United States. Send financial donations, send food, send blankets. Watch their youtube videos. It will not end until the corporates, and the politicians get it. The domination, and protection racket in the United States is finished.

Michael Moore's Demands from #Occupy Wall Street:
Perp. walks in handcuffs, tax them.
there are only 400 of them, millions of us...

We will occupy you until it is so. I have tried all three branches of government in ernest. The United States is not interested in upholding the American Constitution; the Patiot Acts, and 9/11 were to take them away.

With Reverence to Loss, We Must Awaken:

You are anonymous, I am not. They have made every attempt to destroy me, and they cannot.
That is how it is.

You either occupy, and demonstrate, or more will be taken from you, your family, or the next generation of your family. You can be anonymous, I chose to fight, and not be.
That is how it is.

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